A man sits at a laptop viewing a graphic of a Tbom retail credit report

What is Tbom Retail On My Credit Report?

Occasionally, when you check your credit score, you may notice accounts you don’t recall working with or applying for. They might seem like nothing, perhaps blips on the system, but rather than forgetting all about them, these unknown accounts should be investigated to ensure they’re accurate. 

Otherwise, you risk your credit score taking a hit for no reason. 

Have you recently noticed Tbom Retail appearing on your credit score, but you aren’t sure why? We can help you explore the possible reasons. But first, let’s take a look at why you should care in the first place. 

Why is Your Credit Score Important?

What is Tbom-Retail?

What is a Hard Inquiry?

If you see a check by Tbom on your credit score, it’s a sure sign that the company did a hard inquiry before deciding whether or not to issue the credit card. Hard inquiries occur when you apply for credit with a lender, and they request to view your credit reports to see if you’re safe to lend to or not. Unfortunately, a hard inquiry shows up on your record. 

If you apply for credit with multiple creditors and they all perform a hard inquiry, this can dip your credit score. This is because providers see applying for multiple lines of credit, usually as a sign that you might be in a bad financial position. This then poses a risk to lenders. 

Soft inquiries, on the other hand, don’t show up on your credit score. Before applying for any form of credit, it’s a must to read through the terms and conditions to establish whether it will show up as a soft or hard inquiry because there are different consequences for your credit score depending on which one it is. 

While a single inquiry shouldn’t affect your credit report too much, multiple hard inquiries in a short period of time can raise red flags for lenders. 

Can you delete hard inquiries? In many cases, yes, but it does depend on a few factors. 

How to Remove Tbom Retail From Your Credit Score

To get a hard inquiry removed from your credit report, it has to meet one of three criteria. Either you didn’t know the hard inquiry was created, you didn’t approve it, or you’re seeing too many inquiries on your account. 

Naturally, if you didn’t actually attempt to take out a credit card or line of credit with Tbom, this will meet the criteria for removing the hard inquiry from your credit report. 

To enter into a hard inquiry dispute, you’ll need to get in touch with the credit bureaus. Then, you can dispute the inclusion of the inquiry in your credit report. 

You’ll need to cite one of the three allowable reasons to avoid including it. If the inquiry is shown to be inaccurate, the credit bureaus will ensure it’s wiped from your credit report. If the inquiry negatively impacted your credit score in any way, the change will be reversed. 

Unsure about going through the process by yourself? There’s an app for that. Here at Cambio, we can support your disputes, helping you regain control over your credit for a brighter financial future. 

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